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AIDA4 (Assistant Instructor course)

用专业和能力一步提升到高阶自由潜水员。A step up from amateur, a gate into pro

Perth Campus珀斯校区


AIDA4的课程需要至少有AIDA大师级教练认证,而我们是整个西澳地区唯一有资质开设中文AIDA4课程的潜店。 当你决定踏入AIDA4的课程,代表着你一只脚迈入了专业的大门,AIDA4的课程设计旨在深化潜水员的知识和技能,使其超越休闲潜水水平。此课程将向学员介绍深潜所需的进阶技巧、安全程序以及相关知识,为应对更具挑战性的水下环境做好准备。 先决条件: • 年满18岁(16岁以上有家长签字)。 • 成功完成AIDA 3课程,或在从其他机构的交叉认证 • 在过去两年内完成急救和CPR课程。 课程后你会达到(考核标准): • 静态闭气(STA): 3分30秒。 • 动态有蹼闭气(DYNB): 70米。 • 恒重下潜(CWTB): 32米。 • 理论考试: 通过分数为75%。 课程内容: AIDA4课程使学员熟悉高级自由潜水技巧,包括FRC(功能残余容量)潜水、口腔充气均衡和打包技术。这些技能将在以下自由潜水项目中得到应用:静态闭气、动态闭气、恒重下潜、自由下潜,以及可选的可变配重。 除了水下技能外,课程还介绍了全身热身、拉伸和特定呼吸肌肉的锻炼。此外,还涵盖了有益于自由潜水员的训练概念和饮食指南,有助于潜水员的整体发展。课程还包括打包和反打包练习,主要在干训课程中作为重要部分练习。 课程的重要部分是管理开放水域设备。学员将学习使用适当的打结和编织技术,设置潜水线的深度,用配重带和潜水铅块构建安全的底部配重,以及安全处理其他附加设备(如底板、手电筒、系绳等)。 该课程还旨在为学员准备担任“助理教练”角色。这个新角色包括为密闭水域和开放水域自由潜水领导适当的热身课程,并在密闭或开放水域课程中监督所有级别的学生。 理论课程: 3x2小时的教学及理论考试 理论课程将涵盖很多主题,如物理学、减压病、氮醉、失效深度以及肺部的相关知识。 拉伸课: 包括全身热身、拉伸和特定的呼吸肌肉拉伸。 1小时 泳池课程: 2 sessions (2hours each) 细化踢蹼技巧,救援的技术以及更精进的动态和静态能力。 开放水域课程: 4 sessions (2 sessions per day) 教练监督: • 课程必须由AIDA大师级教练或更高级别的教练教学 关键标准: • 学生与教练比例: • 泳池或密闭水域:8:1(有认证助理时:12:1)。 • 开放水域:4:1(有认证助理时:6:1)。 • 急救认证: 学员必须持有当前的急救认证,包括CPR,且在过去两年内有效 • 课程时长: 课程应在至少4天内完成。 The AIDA4 course requires certification from an AIDA Master Instructor or higher, and we are the only dive shop in Western Australia qualified to offer the AIDA4 course in Chinese. Choosing to embark on the AIDA4 course signifies that you are stepping into the professional realm of freediving. The AIDA4 course is designed to deepen your knowledge and skills, allowing you to go beyond the recreational level. This course will introduce you to advanced techniques, safety procedures, and the necessary knowledge to prepare you for more challenging underwater environments. Prerequisites: • Must be 18 years old (or 16 years old with parental consent). • Successful completion of the AIDA 3 course, or a crossover certification from another agency. • Completion of a First Aid course with CPR within the last two years. Course Objectives (Assessment Standards): • Static Apnea (STA): 3 minutes 30 seconds. • Dynamic Apnea with Bi-fins (DYNB): 70 meters. • Constant Weight with Bi-fins (CWTB): 32 meters. • Theory Exam: Passing score is 75%



1. 缺席课程:一旦与客服确认了课程时间,若学员在该时间缺席,则视为自动放弃课程,此时不可退改。无故缺席课程将作为自动放弃后续课程的处理。 2. 课程改动:在课程前72小时内,学员可以有一次改动机会,可以选择将课程时间改为其他可行的时间。但请注意,任何临期改动都不会生效,超过课程开始前72小时的改动请求将不被接受。 3. 游泳能力测试:报名课程即代表学员自信能够通过先决条件的游泳能力测试。如果学员因为无法通过游泳能力测试而无法继续参加课程,则不会提供退款。 4. 课程阶段缺席:无论是理论课、泳池阶段还是开放水域阶段,如果学员无故缺席课程,将视为自动放弃后续课程。 5. 疑虑和联系教练:如果学员对课程有任何疑虑或问题,请及时联系教练,教练将尽力解答并提供支持。 请注意,以上政策是为了确保学员和教练的时间得到合理利用,并确保学员具备必要的游泳能力参加自由潜水课程。在报名之前,请确保自己具备200米游泳/300米浮潜的能力,并能够参加先决条件的测试。 Here is the translation of the revised refund and cancellation policy for the free diving course: 1. Absence from the course: Once the course time has been confirmed with customer service, if a student is absent at the scheduled time, it will be considered as automatic abandonment of the course and will not be eligible for refunds or rescheduling. 2. Course rescheduling: Within 72 hours prior to the course, students will have one opportunity to request a rescheduling, allowing them to choose an alternative feasible time for the course. However, please note that any last-minute rescheduling requests will not be accepted. Requests for rescheduling must be made at least 72 hours before the course begins. 3. Swimming ability test: Enrolling in the course signifies that the student is confident in passing the prerequisite swimming ability test. If a student is unable to continue with the course due to failing the swimming ability test, no refund will be provided. 4. Absence during any course stage: Whether it's the theory session, pool training, or open water sessions, any unexcused absence will be considered as abandonment of the subsequent course stages. 5. Concerns and contacting the instructor: If students have any concerns or questions about the course, they are advised to promptly contact the instructor. The instructor will make every effort to address concerns and provide support. Please note that the above policies are in place to ensure the efficient use of time for both students and instructors, as well as to ensure that students possess the necessary swimming abilities to participate in the free diving course. Before enrolling, please ensure that you have the required swimming ability of 200 meters swimming/300 meters snorkeling and can meet the prerequisites for testing.


  • Bubbles Freediving Academy, Hay Street, Perth WA, Australia


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